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Optimized surgery planning

By optimizing hospital resources like operating rooms, staff and equipment, more surgery hours can be released.

The key to optimized resources

With the surgical planning system Lifecare Orbit Surgery Management, you’re able to optimize your business’ resources. Not only does Lifecare Orbit Surgery Management support the need to reduce time and cost, but it also increases the quality of the care of the patient before, during and after surgery. The system can be designed for each hospital or clinic’s needs and is open for integration with other systems.

Jörgen Graneskog

Product Owner, Tietoevry Care

Benefits of surgery planning

Every healthcare unit is able to use Lifecare Orbit Surgery Management in their part of the surgery chain.

Complete support

Every healthcare unit is able to use Lifecare Orbit Surgery Management in their part of the surgery chain.

More surgery time will be released, and cancellations are minimized.

Optimized resources

More surgery time will be released, and cancellations are minimized.

Ongoing status of surgeries are clearly shown in graphic overviews.

Clear graphics

Ongoing status of surgeries are clearly shown in graphic overviews.

Functions for optimized surgeries

Self-designed registration page

Every hospital or clinic is able to design the system themselves based on their specific needs.

Customizable waiting list

The waiting list can be designed by each individual user, per client or per clinic.

Emergency list

Enables prioritization and fast booking.


The planning module will schedule and book resources in a simple and flexible manner. Both scheduling and planning can be done graphically.

Simple registration during surgery

Simple documentation of, for example, duration, measured value and burden of care in post surgery journals. Amount of beds occupied is also shown.

Open interfaces

The system is based on the Microsoft platform and has open interfaces for integration with other systems.

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