A modern service-based speech recognition solution representing newest technology.
Speaking is a much faster and easier way to produce information than typing on a keyboard. Real-time front-end speech recognition converts the caregiver's speech into text in real time, resulting in immediate completion of the patient document. The fast flow of information has a direct impact on patient's treatment process. The time taken to make entries is also significantly reduced.
Lifecare Speech Recognition utilizes the latest Nuance® DragonMedicalOne technology.
Senior Service Owner
Lifecare Speech Recognition streamlines the flow of information and improves the quality and the process of documentation. Care professionals gain more time for patient work. Watch the video to see how speech recognition differs from traditional dictation or keyboard typing!
Lifecare Speech Recognition streamlines the flow of information and improves the quality and the process of documentation. Care professionals gain more time for patient work. Watch the video to see how speech recognition differs from traditional dictation or keyboard typing!
Nuance, 2017. Case study: The University of Kansas Health System.
Nuance, 2017, Nuance Customer Success Organization Survey of 250 healthcare organizations.
Nuance, 2020. Case study: Rush University Medical Center.
Lifecare Speech recognitions integration interface secures efficient use of the solution also in future Lifecare releases enabling the production of the text directly to the text fields in Lifecare patient information system.
Lifecare Speech Recognition transforms speech to text in real time. With the help of Lifecare Speech Recognition user can easily produce any free form text.
Lifecare Speech Recognition’s extensive general medicine vocabulary covers a wide range of special fields in healthcare and serves professionals in the social care sector. In addition, it is possible to add a separate radiological terminology that contains extensive number of terms used in the field.
Artificial intelligence behind Lifecare Speech Recognition adopts features from user’s speech in real time. Users can also teach unfamiliar words directly from the application they are currently using speech recognition in. Words are possible to be added by main users as well.
User can teach the system voice directed automatic text phrases by using the settings-menu. These text phrases enable easy and fast way of producing chapters that are repetitive. It is also possible to add changing parameter fields into the automatic text phrases, for example lab values. This speeds up the text production even more.
Lifecare Speech Recognition is a cloud service offered with SaaS principles. This enables a very quick deployment and predictive costs.
Dragon Medical One is #1 in Best in KLAS 2022: Software & Services award winner for the second year in a row earning praise from clinicians for helping them deliver and document better patient care. Lifecare Speech Recognition is based on Dragon Medical One -technology.
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