Our Board and Committee members lead and make decisions for a smarter future
The Board of Directors shall consist of at least six and no more than twelve members, elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting. Board members have a term of office of one year, expiring at the closing of the first AGM following the election. In addition, Tietoevry’s personnel elects two members and two deputy members to the Board of Directors. The term of office for the personnel representatives is two years.
Chairperson (non-executive, independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1962 Nationality Swedish Education Master of Science (Eng.), from the Linköping Institute of Technology
Deputy Chairperson (non-executive, independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1963 Nationality Finnish Education DSc. (Tech.)
Board member (independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1960 Nationality Swedish Education M.Sc. (Business Adm.), Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm
Board member (independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1964 Nationality Italian Education Ph.D., Technical University, Munich and a degree in business administration from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich in Germany
Board member (non-executive, independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1960 Nationality Swedish Education MSc. (Civ.Eng.) and IDP-C INSEAD
Board member (non-executive, independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1976 Nationality Austrian Education Ph.D. (Business Administration, Karl-Franzens University, Graz Austria)
Board member (independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1988 Nationality Swedish Education M.Sc. (Finance & Accounting), Stockholm School of Economics
Board member (non-executive, independent of the company and its significant shareholders) Born 1959 Nationality Norwegian Education Bachelor of Business Administration, Oslo Business School, and IBM Management & Executive Education (Brussels, Milan, Armonk)
Board member (independent of the company and non-independent of a significant shareholder) Born 1976 Nationality Finnish Education M.Sc. (Econ.), Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki
Board member, personnel representative (dependent of the company and independent of significant shareholders) Born 1970 Nationality Norwegian Education BSc. (Comp.), Høgskolen i Gjøvik og Hedmark
Board member, personnel representative (dependent of the company and independent of significant shareholders) Born 1967 Nationality Swedish Education MSc. (Eng.)