The Cyber Security Awareness Month is beginning! Cybersecurity is now in the headlines as never before. Have you calibrated your security investments with your business risk?
To kick off this month, this important topic, is a question: have you calibrated your security investments with your business risk?
A previous blog post examines this topic more thoroughly from a business and CEO point of view. But I believe the question applies to all of us, also citizens and consumers. How much time and effort do you expand to keep yourself as cybersafe as possible? How much should you?
CEO – have you calibrated your security investments with your business risks?
The approach should not be that you blindly purchase the latest technology gizmos and trust (and hope!) that they do the trick. Remember that you need to review your particular cyberrisks and act, and invest, accordingly.
Stay tuned for more posts on different aspects of cyber security during October!
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