BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:/en/events/2023/veturi-trusted-digital-societies-showcase-2023/ DTSTAMP:20240402T110051Z DTSTART:20231122T120000Z DTEND:20231122T150000Z SUMMARY:Trusted Digital Societies Showcase 2023 DESCRIPTION:Welcome to Trusted Digital Societies showcase 2023! \n Moving closer to finalizing the second year of the programme, we'd love to share our learnings and discuss the next steps together with you. Come to hear what kinds of topics, partners and funding opportunities are available through the ecosystem. During the afternoon you can expect:\n - Program progress overview\n - Keynote on the intersection of society and technology\n - Panel discussion highlighting different viewpoints on co-innovation, ecosystem, and research\n - Networking with experts\n - Demos from research areas\n  \n Detailed agenda will be updated shortly on the event page:\n  \n  \n In case you have any questions regarding the event or the Tietoevry Veturi programme in\n general contact us at .\n  \n Looking forward to meeting you!\n Best regards, \n Tietoevry Veturi team\n LOCATION:Keilalahdentie 2-4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR