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Findwise i3 Release Notes

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Findwise i3 is an information platform that uses Elasticsearch or Apache Solr under the hood to provide advanced, personalized search experience. It supports different kinds of solutions for e-commerce, workplace, customer service and similar. With powerful data enrichment, natural language processing and manageable relevance, Findwise i3 ensures right information at the right time.

This page summarizes information about the changes in each release. For information purposes, we follow the rules of semantic versioning and we aim to release a new minor version every ~2 months.

findwise i3


What is next?

We're working on i3 version 3.14 (next SEP features: dictionaries, aggregations & i3 Index improvements) and beta version of 4.0.0 (Java 17, latest Spring Boot and Elasticsearch first) at the same time.


Version Date Quick summary
4.0.0-beta expected date: 27.03.2024 Key dependecies upgrade (Java 17, Spring Boot 3.x, Elasticsearch 8.x)
3.14 expected date: 27.03.2024 Mainly next SEP features and i3 Index improvements
3.13 13.02.2024 New Search Editor Portal
3.12.1 24.10.2023 Patch release with i.a. ElasticDateHistogramFacetFeature bug fix
3.12 11.09.2023 Small minor release with few improvements (i.a. i3 Index optimization), bug fixes and mitigating vulnerabilities
3.11 04.07.2023 Named Entity Recognition available in i3 Process OOTB, mitigation of recent critical vulnerabilities and foundation for new SEP service.
3.10 21.04.2023 New Elasticsearch Java API Client for all i3 services
3.9 28.02.2023 Several new improvements (Config as a code, Search), bug fixes and security mitigations
3.8 25.11.2022 Introducing support for OpenSearch in i3 as well as dependency upgrade to remove latest vulnerabilities
See previous releases  



High-level roadmap


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